Virtua Health Foundation

Virtua Health aims to put gratitude into action. Inspired by a love for humankind, they are committed to improving the health and wellness of all those they serve.

Their Eat Well Mobile Grocery Store offers fresh, healthy, and culturally relevant foods at below-market prices to residents of Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester counties – particularly in under-resourced areas known as food deserts that experience higher rates of obesity, diabetes, and other diet-related diseases. With its aisle of fully stocked shelves, coolers and freezers, this store on wheels is light and bright, accessible (it has a wheelchair lift), and welcoming. Customers are able to browse and shop with dignity, just as they would at any grocery store.



Year Type Amount
2017 Community First Grant $5,000
2019 Community First Grant $5,000
2021 Community First Grant $8,000
Total: $18,000


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